Irish Dance

You do what with your kid? 

I am an Irish Dance mom. Which means I spend way too much money on dresses made from cloth and cardboard and $100 dance shoes for my seven year-old (well almost 7). I glue her socks to her legs and put a wig on her. 


I am a big fan of winning. I like watching Miss M win. However, I also want her to lean to lose. Although it breaks my heart to see her disappointed, I want her to grow up understanding that you don't get the trophy for just showing up. To get what you want takes work. A hard lesson for my nugget, but I hope it will make her a better more productive adult.

If you are a parent, I'm sure you can insert whatever activity your child is in, in this page. I just happened to like Irish dance.

If you would like to send me an announcement of your child's accomplishment, please feel free to email me an announcement at 

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